Our Purpose
To help find the God given vision to lead and manage youth and children work within everyone’s own country, own concept and own situation.
To give the support that is needed to lead and work with youth and children within an ever-changing society.
To provide resources and training for an effective and efficient youth and children work through support and mentoring.
About us
We are a gathering of youth and children's workers from Baptist Churches and Unions from the length and breadth of Europe, who share a passion for sharing the good news of Jesus with children and young people. In order to make this possible we intend to support youth and children's workers through providing access to relevant resources, training and support. The European Baptist Federation has for many years been led by various elected representative committee members from EBF nations. This executive takes upon itself to offer an annual conference and training resources for the Baptist Family of churches and unions from the EBF nations.
Executive Committee Members

Samantha Mail
Germany – Her vision is to build strong, lastin commiunity together. She wants to find a way that enables us to hold onto each other despite our differences for the sake of the kingdom of God.

Filip Grujić
Croatia – Acts as support to the chairperson. In absence of chair takes responsibilities.

Yanita Georgieva
Bulgaria – Administration surrounding the EBF Youth and Children January Conference, communications.

Dimitar Georgiev
Bulgaria – Responsible for the EBFYC finances, proposing yearly budgets, book-keeping, keeping the bank account, giving reports to the conference, corresponding with members regarding contributions.

Sven-Joonatan Siibak
Estonia- Supports the work of the committee, helps with the organization of the annual conference in January.

Roald Zeiffer
Norvegia – Coordinates the Youth Ministry training for the European Baptist Federation. Responsible for training development programs and courses for youth leaders and resource for European Baptist Youth secretaries and leaders.